Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Insenstive game creators get the wrath of Australian Public

I was watching the glass house last night and was shocked to see them discussing Steve Irwin a little bit too close to his official farewell. But Dave Hughes made a good point, whilst Australian’s deal with death and tragedy by making jokes on about the situation the use of technology meant the jokes hit our in boxes and our mobile phones as with in seconds but it was way too soon for people to start cracking jokes about this tragedy. Also he said the jokes weren’t that good.

I cannot blame the technologies for the speed it took for these to circulate as I remember the end of the space shuttle challenger, which blew up at 5am Australian NSW time but by the time I got to school the Need Another Seven Astronauts was running around the play ground. This predated email and mobile phone SMS.

But the thing that people are upset about is the fact that some bent and twisted indervidual of a computer flash programmer has come up with this game called Terri Irwins revenge, it’s a shooter up set in ocean when the idea of the game was to shoot the stingrays. Quite a stink has been raised about this game being placed up on the net. Whilst I know this is probably someone’s way of dealing with the tragedy but people really need to think first about how it might effect people who see your project.

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