Saturday, November 15, 2008


New laptop could become Panda food….

Nah seriously, we have to man items made of plastic these days and imagine a laptop made of fire retardant bamboo. Yes, whilst some of the first light bulbs had bamboo filaments the circuits on this baby are not bamboo.

The case is clad with a nice plantation grown bamboo, apparently making the laptop environmentally friendly cause it reduces the amount of plastics used on the case and means that the case is biodegradable. Lol


Free paint program for the kids

Well open source software is expanding and today I today I thought I would point out a good package for the kids called TUX paint, names after the linux penguin this multiplatform kids graphics package is TUX paint, with various addons this powerful but easy to use paint package allows kids to show off their creative talents. Its also one of the packages I have sene in use at primary schools on the computers.

Friday, November 14, 2008


XBOX'er put back in the box

Microsoft has taken a new tack in the war against piracy by banning users who try to connect to the Xbox Live server using a modified Xbox 360. Shame that, the old xbox generation 1 they did the sae so someone set up their own network of gae servers. Will it happen again?
At present gamers the world over who have tampered with their machine are logging on to find a message telling them they've been banned from the server. Te reason for this is that they are deemed by Microsoft to have breached the terms and conditions of use or EUA – end user agreement.

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