Sunday, June 18, 2006


FIle Sharing & P2P

What is P2P?
According to the website webopedia P2P is often referred to simply as peer-to-peer, or abbreviated P2P, a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. This differs from client/server architectures, in which some computers are dedicated to serving the others. Peer-to-peer networks are generally simpler, but they usually do not offer the same performance under heavy loads.

However, of late the term P2P has been given to a series of programs that do a similar thing by connecting a specially selected directory on the hard drives of many internet connected computers running the P2P file sharing software.

There are a number of P2P file sharing programs available on the internet for download, some you must pay for and some you can get for free. But there are some things you need to know about using these types of programs before you rush out and install them.

Advantages of Peer 2 Peer file sharing:
It allows the users of these programs to access a large store of files on hard drives around the world; this means they have access to documents, music, videos and programs for downloading. It has been embraced by some software makers and music producers as a legitimate way to get their free products out there.

Legal and social implications of Peer 2 Peer file sharing:
Whilst this is a great medium for people to access content, there would appear to be and is a number of both ethical and legal reasons why this software is frowned upon in today society. One of the biggest objections to using file sharing software of this nature is that there is an access to sharing copyrighted software, music, video and documentation. The peak bodies of Recording Industry of both America and Australia have constantly issued law suits against creators of such software in a hope the shut down these file sharing services. They claim that these services erode legitimate income from the sales of music CD’s and DVD’s because people are downloading copies of the internet for nothing. Legal cases including the creators Napster and the current owners of Kazaa have highlighted the concerns of the recording industry.

Disadvantages of Peer To Peer file sharing software:
Despite the legal aspects of using a peer 2 peer file sharer, there are other issues you need to understand that could also be a disadvantage to using the programs.

Allowing others to access your hard drive:
Having someone access files on your machine could be a concern. Not only for you but for other people using the network. If your computer becomes infected with a virus then you can via the p2p file sharing service spread that to others instantly.

It often unscrupulous people will put up files that can be downloaded full of viruses and these are some of the pit falls you need to be careful of. Spyware, adware and malware are often the biggest concerns on such networks.

By all means use file sharing but do so knowing that you expose your machine to viruses, spyware and malware, As well as that remember there could be a number of legal issues as well.

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