Saturday, February 04, 2006


The IPOD could generate a new generation of doof doof deaf heads!

An AAP report says that a man in Louisiana man is suing Apple claiming that the iPod is "inherently defective" because it can pump up the volume to ear-damaging levels and that Apple hasn't done enough to warn him of the risks.
The plaintiff, John Kiel Patterson, is seeking unspecified compensatory damages presumably for hearing loss he may have suffered, though the lawsuit, filed with the San Jose District Court, doesn't say as much, according to the Associated Press' report on the matter.
When asked outside the court why he was brining this case against Apple he replied “What, Huh?? What did you say?” (Ed – official joke)
However, this is nothing new loud personal stereos and walkmans that came out in the 1980’s were also attributed to hearing loss. Apparently, anything over about 80 decibels can cause damage to hearing.

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