Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Students who use computers

Students who use computers regularly are getting a headstart on their peers when it comes to school subjects, according to a new OECD study.
The report, "Are students ready for a technology-rich world?", claims that school students who use computers regularly perform better in key school subjects than those with limited computer experience or a lack of confidence when it comes to performing basic computer tasks.
I could have told them that, teachers tend to mark higher an essay that is typed than a hand written one. I found this out over ten years ago from bitter experience, then again my hand writing did look like a pissed spider had fallen into an ink well and run across the page.
The study found that students who had been using computers for less than a year scored significantly below the OECD average, while students who had been using computers for more than five years scored well above it.
The poorer performance of those who do not have access to, or have only recently accessed, computers can also be attributed in part to their background. The report notes that students with low access to computers at home are typically from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The good news is that in Australia we have a number of organizations that recycle old working computer hardware into systems for the disadvantaged.
In our area we have a couple of computer recyclers
Coffs Harbour Coffs Care Community group (02) 6658 0055 NSW
Local Community Community groups Donna Rooney donna@lcsa.org.au Services Association
SOURCE: The Register dot com and SMH dot com dot au

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